Author(s): Quadrille,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 15/08/2024,
Pagination: 192 pages, Full-colour photography throughout,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Quadrille Publishing Ltd,
Published By: Quadrille Publishing Ltd,
Book Classification: Budget cookery
Dimensions: 215 x 166 x 21mm
Weight: 566g
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781837832491

The Seriously Good Veggie Student Cookbook shows you how to ditch the takeaways and make meals you actually want to eat – with 80 delicious recipes.

We all know the benefits of going meat-free – but when you're a student with limited shelf space, a tight budget and little kitchen experience, creating tasty veggie and vegan meals at home seems impossible. This book is here to change that.

The Seriously Good Veggie Student Cookbook contains 80 recipes, all based around cheap, staple ingredients like rice, pasta, potatoes and bread, along with a helpful guide to equipment, hygiene and buying food on a budget. Whether you want library-friendly lunches like Vegan Caesar Pasta Salad, to homemade Falafel Pitas to prove to your parents you really can cook, this book has it all. And, with a photo for each recipe and easy-to-follow instructions, you'll never go hungry again! From fresher's week to graduation, this is the only cookbook you'll ever need.

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