Author(s): McKee, Andy,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 03/12/2008,
Pagination: 128 pages, b&w and clr plates,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Green Books,
Published By: Green Books,
Book Classification: Gardening: growing fruit & vegetables, Specialised gardening methods
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781900322454

A polytunnel can be used as an affordable, low-carbon aid to growing your own food all year round, from crispy salads and fresh vegetables in the dead of winter to juicy melons and mouth-watering grapes in high summer.
But once you've decided to invest in a polytunnel, there are many questions to be answered, including:
* Do you need planning permission?
* What are the different sizes and types you can buy?
* Where should you put it, and how do you put it up?
* What can you use it for, how do you look after it, and what are the likely problems?
The Polytunnel Handbook looks at all aspects of using a polytunnel, from planning your purchase to harvesting the rewards, and includes a step-by-step guide detailing how polytunnels are put up and maintained.
There are chapters on developing healthy soil and preventing pests, and a jargon-free guide to the range of often mystifying accessories that many tunnel retailers offer.

For the DIY enthusiast there is a full set of instructions for building a polytunnel from scratch, and the authors explain how to keep your polytunnel productive in every season.
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