Author(s): Napolitano, Ann,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 04/02/2021,
Pagination: 352 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Penguin Books Ltd,
Published By: Penguin Books Ltd,
Book Classification: Modern & contemporary fiction (post c 1945)
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780241985892
A transcendent coming-of-age story about the ways a broken heart learns to love again.
One summer morning, a flight takes off from New York to Los Angeles: there are 192 people aboard. When the plane suddenly crashes, twelve-year-old Edward Adler is the sole survivor.
In the aftermath, Edward struggles to make sense of his grief, sudden fame and find his place in a world without his family. But then Edward and his neighbour Shay make a startling discovery; hidden in his uncle's garage are letters from the relatives of other passengers - all addressed him.
Following the passengers' final hours and Edward's unique coming-of-age, Dear Edward asks one of life's most profound questions:What does it mean not just to survive, but to truly live?