Author(s): The Times Mind Games,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 09/05/2024,
Pagination: 256 pages,
Series: The Times Su Doku,
Imprint: Times Books,
Published By: HarperCollins Publishers,
Book Classification: Sudoku & number puzzles
Dimensions: 197 x 129 x 14mm
Weight: 172g
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780008618124

Challenge yourself with number puzzles

Previously unpublished quality Su Doku grids from The Times, which help develop your skills to take on Extreme Su Doku.

The 200 puzzles in this collection of treacherously difficult puzzles will stretch even the most advanced Su Doku enthusiast. You will need to use all of your best solving techniques to get to the end of this testing challenge.

The puzzles in the collection are of the highest quality and are perfect for the advanced solver in need of a constant supply of ultra-difficult puzzles.

Guaranteed to provide hours of mind-stretching entertainment.

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