Author(s): The Times Mind Games, Rogan, Richard,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 09/05/2024,
Pagination: 240 pages,
Series: The Times Crosswords,
Imprint: Times Books,
Published By: HarperCollins Publishers,
Book Classification: Crosswords
Dimensions: 189 x 130 x 15mm
Weight: 168g
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780008618094

Challenge your brain with word puzzles

A super-sized challenge for crossword lovers, selected by the Times2 Crossword Editor John Grimshaw.

The latest book in this exciting series continues the tradition of providing authoritative, challenging Cryptic Crossword, offering an enjoyable and stimulating way to while away your free time.

Addictive, taxing and compelling, The Times Cryptic Crossword is packed with high-quality puzzles chosen by the Times Crossword Editor Richard Rogan.

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