Author(s): Halls, Vicky,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 06/02/2024,
Pagination: 208 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Cassell,
Published By: Octopus Publishing Group,
Book Classification: Cats as pets
Dimensions: 170 x 250 x 16mm
Weight: 614g
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781788404785

Have you ever wondered how your cat views the world or how he would behave if you weren't there This comprehensive illustrated book uncovers the truth about why cats behave the way they do. Bestselling author Vicky Halls unravels the secrets of your cat's life in this, her first, fully-illustrated book. Every area of his life is explained, from the mysteries behind kitten play and encounters with other cats, to where he goes at dusk and what he gets up to. Packed with photographs, real-life stories and Vicky's expert, friendly advice, she will help you see the world through feline eyes and explains everything that has a bearing on your cat's character, from anatomy to day-to-day behaviour.

With this book as your guide, you'll be able to get inside your pet's mind and discover what makes him tick.

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