Author(s): Heffer, Simon,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 28/05/2020,
Pagination: 928 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Windmill Books,
Published By: Cornerstone,
Book Classification: Social & cultural history, First World War, British & Irish history
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781786090447


A major new work of history on the profound changes in British society during the First World WarThe Great War saw millions of men volunteer for or be recruited into the Army, their lives either cut short or overturned. Women were bereaved, enlisted to work in agriculture, government and engineering, yet still expected to hold together homes and families.

But while the conflict caused social, economic and political devastation, it also provoked revolutionary change on the home front. Simon Heffer uses vivid portraits to present a nuanced picture of a pivotal era. While the Great War caused loss on an appalling scale, it also advanced the emancipation of women, brought notions of better health care and education, and pointed the way to a less deferential, more democratic future.

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