Author(s): Eyal, Nir,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 06/02/2020,
Pagination: 336 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC,
Published By: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC,
Book Classification: Self-help & personal development
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781526610201

We are living through a crisis of distraction. Plans get sidetracked, friends are ignored, work never seems to get done. Why does it feel like we're distracting our lives away?

In Indistractable, behavioural designer Nir Eyal reveals the hidden psychology driving you to distraction.

Empowering and optimistic, this is the book that will help you design your time, realise your ambitions, and live the life you really want. 

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