Author(s): Livingstone, Ian, Jackson, Steve,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 03/08/2017,
Pagination: 232 pages,
Series: Fighting Fantasy,
Imprint: Scholastic,
Published By: Scholastic,
Book Classification: Interest age: from c 9 years, Fantasy & magical realism (Children's / Teenage)
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9781407181301

PART STORY, PART GAME - PURE ADVENTURE! Are YOU brave enough to take on the monsters and magic of Firetop Mountain...? The powerful warlock Zagor must be slain - but first you'll need to make it through the caverns of his mountain stronghold. Many adventurers before you have taken a wrong turn in the maze and perished at the hands and claws of the Warlock's gruesome servants... step up, hero, it's time to fight!

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