Author(s): Himes, Chester,
Binding: Paperback,
Date of Publication: 25/03/2021,
Pagination: 224 pages,
Series: Penguin Modern Classics,
Imprint: Penguin Classics,
Published By: Penguin Books Ltd,
Book Classification: Crime & mystery
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780241521106

Detectives Coffin Ed and Grave Digger Jones have lost two criminals. Pinky ran off - but it shouldn't be hard to track down a giant albino in Harlem. Jake the drug dealer, though, isn't coming back - he died after Grave Digger punched him in the stomach.

And his death might cost them both their badges. Unless they can track down the cause of all this mayhem - like the African with his throat slit and the dog the size of a lion with an open head wound. Chester Himes's hardboiled tales of Harlem have a barely contained chaos and a visceral, macabre edge all their own.

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