Author(s): Rennie, Susan, Blake, Quentin, Dahl, Roald,
Binding: Hardback,
Date of Publication: 14/12/2020,
Pagination: 64 pages,
Series: N/A,
Imprint: Oxford University Press,
Published By: Oxford University Press,
Book Classification: Literature books & writers (Children's/Teenage)
ISBN13\EAN\SKU: 9780192777461
Get ready to be goose-gruggled and fluckgungled with disgusterous, rotsome and repulsant words (and much more). You can have fun with Roald Dahl's language and the brilliant Quentin Blake's illustrations while discovering how language works in this little hardback book. Inspired by the World's No 1 storyteller, this book will give you all you need to start learning how language works - make up your own words, have fun and be bold with words!